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Sunday, 13 November 2011


                                "JAHER-KHOND PEOPLE & JHARKHONDI"
In the eve of uprising of other modern Indians on the basis of socio-cultural & linguitical similarity the invention of modern Kherwal script knopwn as " Muj-Dandhi" was done by Sadhu Ramchand Murmu for the development of Santali, Language, Literature and identity of socio-religious Culture on the first quarter of twentieth century. Subsequently the modern "Olchiki" script was developed by Pandit Raghunath Murmu from the same script which was popularly accepted on the principle of "Identity of self rather than imitation". The modern "OLCHIKI" script has six vowels i.e. a, aa, i, u, e, o duly derived from the decay, ruined and present existence of the earth (nature) and civilization with 5 diacritic known as checked consonant. It is a unique modern developed Indic script which has both capitals and small letters altogether formed the thirty scripts with some usages (Tudagh). There after the short hand concept was composed by Pruthunath Murmu to strengthen the Olchiki concept. The formative style of each script proves the nature shape, where as the composition of seven days compare with the nature and are the identity of Nature worshiper community or linguistics groups like Devnagiri script. The general linguistic terms of General Mathematics, syntax/Morphology, Phonology/Phonetics and Semantics/Pragmatics has been written in his published book "RONOR, ELKHA & PARSI POHA". Pondit Murmu, arrange the Day, Date, Week, Month, Year etc in his calendar GODDET as per lunar clips(Lunar year) and accepted unanimously by the Kherwal Community at All India Conference held at Bed-Kundri"(WB) in the month of Feb 1977.In the years 1947-48 Mr Pruthinath Murmu of Tanki tolah Baripodah,was appointed as translator/interpreter and works as stenographer in Mayurbhanj Assembly for Santali Language speaking MLA's at that time he felt the necessary for use of SANTALI short hand than he developed the Santali short hand by OLCHIKI script.

As regards languages the santali language in India is existing since very remote past having its rich traditional literature and culture value. In modern age it has full filled by the Olchiki script for the modern identity like others modern Indians people of the country. The santali is also a spoken dialect survives in the teeth and myth of many adversaries in the country. In modern Bharrat this languages acquire a valuable position of one of the most progressive rich traditional literature of the country. In modern age it was firstly rendered in writing and developed by roman script since 1875-85 by some literary loving western people. There after it was replaced by olchiki scripts not only for language-literature but also for socio-religious and culture identity of the Kherwal community (i.e. santhal, Ho, Munda, Mahale, Bhumij). The santali as a language possess every characteristic of its own, it has well night grammar, having a numbers of affixes, tense, moods and usages with calendar "Jug-Sombot-5000" calculated both lunar and sun years covering all the common necessities of day to day life of the people refereed to. It has got it own pronouns, numerical and syntactical structure which forms the characteristic of a full fledged language. The use of olchiki for santali language is the essence of modern identity, Academic life and cultural pride like any other developed script of the country and world.

So far as literature is concerned santali is very rich in its folk's literature, which includes folk songs, folk tales, proverb, riddles and so on. Now after the inclusion of language in VIII scheduled of the constitution from its fifty years of long deprivation by central government the elementary education should be start immediate for eradication of illiteracy and facilitate academic life of the people. As a result of which the written literature in the forms of poems, short stories, essays, drama, novels etc will grown up well and growing up every day. But alas no positive action till date has been taken by the central or state government and still the state governments of Jharkhand, Odisha,West-Bengal etc are engage in promoting as tribal language which resulted the entire deprivation of linguistic people in equivalent to other scheduled languages. On the other side it's facilitate them to keeping the " Kherwal Community" people in more edge and spreading of the corruption culture over the region by others in the name of developements.

It is obvious that after creation of Jharkhand & Chhatisgargh state and inclusion of Santali language in the scheduled VIII of the constitution great expectation in terms of raising the standard of living up grading the quality, equity and equality of social justice will raise by these peoples. It is also fully mandate and envisages in the constitution but it is not understood the created Jharkhand state is meant for whom and why? Who are Banabasi and who are Adibasi?. It is the time to strike together for development of modern and prosperous state and country under the modern constitutional set up. In this new era we should identify those elements who are engage in defacing the ancient Indians culture and literature in the name of "Cultural and National integration thought" under the guise of development. The modern thinkers should learn the meaning of ADIBASI "A" denotes for ADDI (beginning),"D" for Developed, "I" for Ideal, "B" for Bravery, "A" for And, "S" for Social & "I" for Inhabitants. These peoples are presently known as "ADIBASI" in the present modern age they are neither BANABASI nor Girijon. Is not it in the name of development & researh the socio- culture, language, script, etc of "Kherwal community" or santali linguistic people have been kept in the edge? It also presently seems that some modern Indians are became more and more intolerant towards them and again try to convert in to "Chritianity & Hinduism" under the guise of " Educational " developments.

According to modern new era we should change our thought, instead of engage in denouncing and defacing each others culture custom and tradition every body should concentrate the work on "Literature & Culture" sovereignty of modern Bharat. .In this new era of 21st century we should make out the Bharatiya calendar & financial from among the recognized languages and calculation. It will bring the complete meaning of BHARAT VARSH.As per the constitution Hindi is a National language, SAKA-ERA is national calendar " Chait" is the beginning month but it has not clarify whether it is beginning of calendar or financial month. Hence the English calendar and financial year has been accepted in day to day official works after the implementation of the constitution. Now after the inclusion of Santali in the scheduled languages and as per calculation of Santali "Magh" is a beginning month and " Push" is the ending month, so I suggest "Magh to Push" should be the Calendar year and "Chait to Baisakh" should be the financial years. It will bring not only the modern literature and cultural sovereignty but also crate the identity as "BHARATIYA" instead of "Hindustani". Is not it we have mortgage our language, literature and under the colonial emperor even after sixty years of Indians Independence and drugging us towards more corrupt than British ???.

Written By:

Thakur Lachhaman Murmu@addisirjon

Rapaj Boma Kisku@ Koenda

Monday, 7 November 2011

About Olchiki Script & Santali Language , "JAHER-KHOND PEOPLE & JHARKHANDI"

About Olchiki Script & Santali Language , "JAHER-KHOND PEOPLE & JHARKHANDI"

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Informative & Educative table of Secularism ethos of " JAHER-KHOND "People


The glimpses of socio-Religious and cultural heritage of ancient “Kherwal’s Community” of India can very well be known from their orthodox believes what they traditionally observe since long from generation to generation every where. The great modern thinkers, philosopher’s and ideologist like Baba Bhagirath Hansdah, Koleyan Guru@kole, Sadhu Ramchand Murmu, Pondit Raghunath Murmu and so others  always try to reflect in many ways by means of their modern language, literature and culture activity from the very beginning of 18th, 19th & 2oth century. But it‘s most unfortunates that their noble thought buried under the heap of dogmatic thought of the community in large way and deliberate suppression by the intruders over the region, which resulted the unawareness of progressive modern generations of the India &  worlds. Also it can’t be ignored that taking the advantage of sincerity, truthfulness, obediency etc of the people’s designated as “Innocent” residing over the rich minerals area of the country since long and their  socio-economic has been exploited in mass way in the name of “social & educational” developments treating as “Backward Class”.

The comparison table of orthodox believes has been enumerated below:
Chando Nutum
Month Name
Kherwal Orthodoxy
Religious believes of
Month wise culture dance
Others Religious occasion
Pahilu Magh, Santali New Year, Magh Sim
Santhal,Ho, Mahale,Munda, Kunbi etc
Dahar, Mage etc
Saraswati Pujja, Idd
Baha & Bhujni
Baha, Bao, Jadur etc
Shib Ratri & Easter
Shendra & Patta
Patta, Herrowh
Mahaveer Jayanti &
April & May
Abgge & Jom sim

Patta, Herrow, Jhumur
May- June
Kheral Magh-More

Gonga Dosohara
Arr-Sidh & Asaria
Rath Jatra
Sima, Monsa Bonga
Hariar Jantal
Monsa Pujja
Jom Nama
Ganesh & Biskarma
Dissom Thakran
(Divi & Durga) Magh-more
Durga  & Laxmi Pujja
Got Bonga, & Gobordhan Pujja
Kali & Chhot Pujja
Runda Sakrat
Dosson, Mora Karam
Guru Nanak Jayanti, Ras-Purnima
Mag-Mass Sakrat
Lagne, Mage
Mokor Sankranti

Thakur Lachhaman Murmu@addisirjon Founder of Santali Philosopher’s Women’s & Boy’s Federation & composure of Jug-Sombot-5000 in Santali calculated as per Sun years in the eve of New-Millenium, the lunar calculation was done by Pondit Raghunath Murmu since 1925 during the time of composition of modern Santali (Kherwal) script known as OLCHIKI-PARSI.

Friday, 22 April 2011


                  <<< SANTALI LANGUAGE, LITERATURE & CULTURE  >>>

   The development of Traditional Santali language and literature was started from the very beginning of British Rule (East India Company) since 1870-75 over the region by some literary loving British prominate among them were L.O.Skerfsurd, P.O.Bodding, Campbell etc in a Roman script after written down the mythology of santhal from one famous santal/hor Guru Known as "Kaleyan Guru". Though they have contributed lot for the development of modern Santali language and literature by establishing the press at Benagaria for popularizing the works over the linguistic concentration area of north Eastern Region, So many drama, folk tale, Santali dictionary etc were written during the period and enrich the traditional literature, prior to that the language and cultures of Santali people known as "Kherwal Community" were hoarded on teeth and myth from generation to generation. No doubt that the Santali or Hor language is an ancient "dialect/ language" of the country world language and culture said to have been influence and base from this language as per the scholars and researchers. The Indo-European & Dravidian language, literature and Culture of modern Bharat bias towards this language, literature and culture in large extend after Independence. It can be said that santhali language and literature is pre-Aryan literature highly developed traditional modern literature and rich  cultural heritage of pre-baidic (Beidin)  age  presently designated as  Austro-Asiatic groups of  language by the scholars.
   The further invention of distinct modern  indict script for the development of traditional modern Santali language, literature and culture was done during the period of development of others modern Indians language, script or culture for the shake of modern literature & culture identity of Jaher-Khand people i.e., nature worshiper groups of Kherwal community.  The  pioneers  of modern Santali " Language,literature & Culture" by invention and developing    a   distinct modern indict Script known as "Ol-Chiki Parsi" in the first quarter of 20th century which has both capital & small letter.  Subsequently the "short hand" concept of Olchiki was composed and developed  by one Pruthunath Murmu of Tanki Sahi Baripoda for strengthen the Olchiki concept.
   Only to  spreading   the "Modern Santali language, literature and Culture"   the following books were written  and  published for popularizing over the linguistics concentration area of Odisha, Bihar, west-Bengal, Assam etc since from 1920 by Sadhu Ramchand Murmu, Pondit Raghunath Murmu,  Pruthunath Murmu etc and try to start the elementary education to the people in large scale under the banner of organization known as "Saonta = means Society, Seched=means Education, Lacture=means Literature & Semlled =means Association  was formed  from Rairangpur since 1941 now existed as dumps.
   The list of Books written and published during the periods:
 v                 KHERWAL BONSHAW DHARAM PUTHI                     :    1920
v                 LITA GOODET                                                            :    1925
 v                 HITAL (Evaluation of Earth & human being)              :    1930
 v                 BAKHENL (Mantra in Santali)                                    :    1935
 v                 HOL-SERENG (Santali Song)                                      :    1936
 v                 OL-CHEMED     (Formative style  of Olchiki)              :    1941
 v                  PARSI-POHA (Combination of Script)                       :  1948
 v                  OL-UPRUM  (Recognition of Script)                               :   1953
 v              LACTURE SERENG (Religious Song)                            :   1963
 v                           ELKHA   (Math in Santali)                                   :   1966
 v                       RAG-ANDOL (Religious Bhojaon in Santali             :    1970
 v                   RONOL   (Grammar in Santali literature)                        :   1974
 v                    BIDU-CHANDAN (Literary Drama)                              :    1930
 v                       DALEGE-DHON (Health is Wealth- Drama)            :    1935
 v                             KHERWAL-BIR (Patriotic Historical Drama)              :    1940
 v                      SIDO-KANHU    (Patriotic Drama)                                :    1946
 v                                 SANTALI    SHORT HAND                                     :    1960
 v                                EVOLUTION OF OLCHIKI                                          :    1962
 v                     HOR HOPON KORIN CHANDO-BONGA                               :    1965
   During their  working period over modern santali language, literature and traditional  culture Pandit Murmu has published the calendar "GOODET' where he has  arranged   "Maha & Mahit"(Day's & Date)  calculated as per the lunar clips to get the  religious identity of the "JAHER-KHOND" people in a modern way like the others religious community in modern era under   SARNAISM groups. His noble deed over modern santali language, literature and culture pointed towards the principle of   "identity of self rather than imitation". In a totalitarian sense it can be said that according to them  modern  society can only be developed and changed  when education will imposed to it by mother tongue  and cultural identity can only be achieved when its literature became developed   with  own script.   On the whole it is seen from their literary works reflected through poems in many ways that they were try to educate the linguistic people as well as warn the political leaders of the community and country during the period of partition of India as well as about the intentional suppression of modern Santali language, script & culture in a plan way by the British and modern thinkers. This historical path breaking not only gave them confidence for the development of modern Santali language and literature but also facilitate proper expression of their language written as it was not at all possible by any of the available script of modern Bharat.

During the pre-independence era and as proposed by the British to give the political dead lock to Indians after Second World War  the three members committee of British Cabinet were sent under "Cabinet Mission plan" in the year 1946. They were Lord Pathic Lowerence, Sir Stafford Cripps and Mr. Alexander when they recognized only three main communities in India i.e. General, Muslim & Sikh. But the Sarnaism Religious Community of Santali linguistic groups whose culture relates with Jaher, Jahira,Disauli etc and were demanded the separate state identity in the name of  Jharkhand comprising of  Chhatanagpur & Santal Parganna Commissioner were denied.  It was either deliberately ignored by them taking the plea as Algao-Bad or kept within General category reason best known to them. On the other hand in the constitutional drafting committee appointed under the chairmanship of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar these Sarnaism groups of peoples were not even included as representative of religious community or minority.  Whereas the following religious minorities were kept as a representative in the constitutional drafting committee: From Sikh i) Hukum Singh & ii) Ujjal Singh, From Parsi i) Hami Modi & ii) R.K.Sidwa, From Indian Muslim i) Md.Sadaullah & ii) Jafar Immam, From Christian: John Mathai & ii) Joseph D souza, From Anglo Indian i) Frank Anthany & ii) SH Petter than the drafting committee submitted and published their drafted constitution  report on 26th Feb 1948.  Since the "Sarna" religious community were ignored during the period presuming the divide and rule policies over the people were imposed by the commission and the linguistics area were divided within Orissa & West-Bengal state under Merger Act. It was strongly opposed from Jharkhand political leaders leaded by Jaipal singh and Mr. Sunaram Soren on 1st January at Rajkhursuang and 6th feb 1949 at Rairangpur Orissa an great public meeting was called by them for re-inclusion of area with Chatnagpur Santal Pargana commissionaire as the people language literature and culture were having the separate identity like others modern spoken peoples and have demanded the separate identity in the name of "Jharkhand State". But all the gathering was dispersed by using the military oppression taking the view as Algao-Bad people as Algao-Badi. Is not it the innocent unarmed people of Santali were massacres during the period in the name of Algao-Badi ?  than Mr.Sunaram Soren and Jaipal Singh were taken to New-Delhi as per the order of Pandit Jabahar Lal Nehru. Where they  were  advised to consult with the Chairman of Constitutional   drafting committee Dr,B.R.Ambedkar , there after the drafted and published constitution was  revised  and these people have been  defined within "Backward Class"(Social & Educational) for the advancement in service, Politics, Education etc may be Art. 15(4), 16(4) 46, 338,340, 341(1) (2) 342(1) (2) &334 have been inserted and the reservation will seized after every 10 years from the date of commencement of the constitution. It was the "Red Letter Day" in the wake of freedom of modern Santali linguistic people who were fighting against the Bristh Rule over the region for more than 100 years i.e. from 1784 to 1900 under the leadership of Baba Tilka Majhi, Sido-Kanhu, Birsha Munda etc. Than finally the constitution was enacted and adopted by the constituent Assembly on 26th Nov.1949 and came in to force on 26th Jan-1950 and the "Backwards Class commission" started working since 10th September 1950 only to sub- categories these people in to a "Sub- Caste" known as Santhal, Ho,Munda, Mahale, Orang etc  in the state of Bihar, Odisha and WB, where as dumped peoples in Assam  have not been defined in any class and kept as General categories. Now the caste base thinkers of modern Bharat argued that the reservation is base on caste basis as per the modern constitution.


 During the time of creation of Modern Indians state on the basis of socio-cultural and linguistically similarity the sovereignty in the name of JHARKHAND was demanded by these people under the leadership of late Sunaram Soren and Jaipal Singh Munda. But the said demand was ignored and the present linguistic area was included with the Orissa state under Merger Act in the year 1949 arguing that the demand of Jharkhond is an ALGAO-BAD & their literature is also ALGAO-BADI. It has evident from the incident of GUNDURIA Massac of 6thfeb 1949 near Rairangpur called by Sunaram Soren  and Raj Khursuang massac of Jaipal Sing near Chakardharpur  of 1st Jan-1949.
             Onthe 14th day of Sept.1949 theConstituent Assembly of Drafting Committee were debated over the issue of modern Indians languages under the president ship of Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru called by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar and 14+1= 15 languages were initially included in the scheduled VIII of the constitution out of which 13 language recognized as state language in the linguistics' sovereignty state. As regards to Santali linguistic people in spite of richness of santali literature both modern and traditional with its own modern distinct script   the inclusion of "Santali" language was ignored by the Constituent Assembly and the socio-culture, script olchiki were kept under object of research.  May it's be due to the  formative style of script   as the formative style of "OLCHIKI PARSI" (script) proves the nature shape duly compare with the nature, having both Capitals & Small letters as well as its "Short Hand".  This historic path breaking and invention of "Olchiki Parsi"   is not fully deciphered from the script found from the excavation of Mahenjodara and Harrapan civilizations. It is  also  inspire and instill a sense of confidence amongst the "Kherwal Community"of Santali  linguistic people of Jharkhand, Orissa, Bengal, Assam etc for the development of modern Santali language, literature and Culture which will bring the literature and culture sovereignty of ancient and modern Bharat. How ever they have able to developed their modern and traditional rich "language & literature" like others modern Indians on the basis of socio, cultural and linguistically similarity in spite of kept them deliberately in the edge by infringing the constitutional norms. So many commissions including the Motilal Nehru Commission, Dhar Commission, JVP Commission, and State Re-Organization Commission again Linguistic Commission were set-up from 1925 to 1953 by Congress and government. But all the commission too denied the creation of Jharkhand state, rather the Linguistic Commission argued that these people do not have any common language to be used for all. Also it can't be ignored that all these act of suppression and depression to these linguistic  kherwal community is nothing but an improper patronization by their intellectuals it couse the  incomplete knowledge of others over Modern Santali Language, script, and culture invented and propagated for the shake of Traditional &  modern identity.

 Thakur Lachhaman Murmu & Rapaj Boma Kisku@ Koenda

Armed Violence Never be Justified...........!!!!!

The on going naxalism problem of the country seems to be great threat perception to the Internal Security of the Country as per the intellectual,  Backwardness is played the main role as per the different house of opinion and thought. But here we are having the different of opinion and views for solving the problems. The idea of revolution is a part and partial of the society for changes, growth and development but the Armed violence never be justified and can not bring the changes in the society, state and country. The peace and tranquility have great role for development and progress of the state and country, no doubt it causes great hindrance against the central and state government institution for smooth administrative work. It is a "Socio -Economic" problem of the reason crop up due to long exploitation, corruption and suppression (Socially, Culturally, literally and Historically ) in the name of development by the political leaders in nexus with bureaucrats. The so-called political leader of the region badly engaged in corruption with state, central institution and public sector endeavors taking the privilege of obedience, sincerity and truthfulness of people, designed them as innocent. The central government expenses million and million of rupees and state government earned crores and crores of rupees towards revenue (from Mines & Industry) as well as public sector enterprise company become world famous from the region (TATA COMPANY) but they failed to provides the basic need of the people for their all round development of the region in spite of so many programmed and policy why? Still intellectuals are arguing for development of the people and region for what? It's seems all the central and state govt. policy became failed today and we are started afraiding against out failure efforts. Similarly, the corporate social responsibility also failed to discharge their legitimate responsibility to develop the region and area by means of his social equity share towards the social responsibility. It needs the re-defined of the corporate social responsibility into a "Corporate Sustainable Management (CSM)". Is not it due to the lackadaisical attitudes of both central and state government institution as well as corporate to day we failed to provide the basic needs i.e. school, college, drinking water, electricity, road, health and hygiene etc. over the region ? Seeing the betrayal attitude of the government institution, the large numbers unemployed youth are easily diverted towards the " Naxalite" movement stated by the CPI(M) in the mid seventy from naxal badi of West Bengal. That the intention of the government is to provide the basic need to the people residing in the state, within the framework of modern constitution set up for their all round development. It can be achieved until and unless our intention is clear towards the real development and should not infringe their liberty, equality and dignity status in term of rising the standard of living, quality and equality of social justice. The constitute is also fully reflects the social ambition and mandate quality of opportunity to every citizen irrespective of caste, creed, social economy, history, culture, literature and religious diversity . The destiny of India is now being shaped in the class room, this we believe in no more heretics in a word based on modern thought and ideology. It is literature and cultural education that determine the level of prosperity, welfare and security of the people, that too by our mother tongue. It is the quality of human being coming out from state learning centre which would determine the success of failure of nation efforts for the construction and development of prosperous nation. The sound foundation stone secularity ethos and healthy cultural, orthodoxy belief of nature worshipper group (Pre-Vedic) people dominated largely over the area and presently designated as "Backward class" of the constitution are required the perfect educational system that too in their mother tongue. It is the ideas rooted deeply in the indigenous soil and remain alert always about the changes taking place. It is hearting to learn and realizing the criticality and elementary education going to be implement or being proposed and started the lower, upper and higher level education syllabus translation work in "Santali language" under Ministry of HRD and carry forward through UGC Ranchi since 2009 as well as CIIL (Central Institute of Indian Languages) Mysore in a Devnagari script instead of its own distinct script "OL CHIKI". Is not it the present work would have been done before 10 years, just after creation of Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh state by the central government or appoint the Santali language commission after the inclusion of Santali language in Schedule-VIII of the constitution together with the Backward Class And Sarna Religious commission for giving the regional identity of the peoples and implementation of Sarna code law. As it was ignored on the 14th day of September, 1949 by the constituent assembly debated under the president ship of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru , since then large section of these population were divided into the state of Bengal, Orissa, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, duly sub-divided into so many sub caste , known presently as backward class in regard to social and educational development under Article 15(4),16(4), 46, 342(1) & (2), 334(1) etc. of the modern constitution known presently as " Tribal". Whereas the dumped peoples of Assam, Manipur etc. ( Dumped by British after 1856 Santhal Hool) are still not define in any class, groups, or community than question arise who are the " Tribal" as per the modern constitution. Is not it we have made the "Tribal" for 10 years and there is a provision of including and Excluding any groups, community and part there of as per Art-342(2) of the constitution after received the report from the commission appointed under Art-340. As we experiences from the past incident of pre-independence era when the hatred begin in the minds of these peoples against the East India Company ( British) the great revolution were crops up over the region from 1784 to 1856 again from 1885 to 1900 under the leadership of Baba Tilka Murmu, Sido-Kanhu Murmu, Runtu Ho, Sitaramaiya, Birsha Munda etc. To bring the defense of peace capability to make these people life more sustainable and comfortable as well as curve out the poverty with the corrupt practices the present Chhotnagpur Santhal pargana commissioners were created by the British now coming under scheduled V and VI of the constitution. In addition another Act known as PESA Act 1996 corroborating the previous Act was passed in the parliament for smooth administrative works as well as development of the peoples under the Traditional local self government (Customary Law). But the same remain as it is even after passing of more than fifteen years of becoming an Act. Now so many bureaucrats' works over the areas seems to be infringing the law for their individual's benefits or working for the privileges few taking the advantage  of corrupt politicians and again they carry forward the same corrupt practices of British under the guise of development of the region and the people. Is not it all these act will play an obstruction in internal sovereignty and integrity of the nation like Art 370 of Jammu and Kashmir in the coming days?
           How long nation prepared the mind of man to developed into human individual, who would imbibes certain basic value and lead their life and higher place of perception, under standing and ability to distinguish between bad and evil, it is the awareness, wisdom or idea evolves since long in their thinking. So it is unwise to say that they are lacking the higher place of perception, ability to distinguish between good and bad , only one thing lacking is education and their present knowledge become made imbecile due to literature and cultural suppression by the cultural colonization since 5th to 6th century B.C. as per the scholars. It is the awareness one should learn from them, it is the idea one should transplanted and borrowed for others. We are engaged since freedom in denouncing each other culture , custom, tradition and creating hindrance for the cultural re-unification with literature sovereignty of modern Bharat ye the national joy is yet to celebrate and some so called culture organization were fruitlessly try to convert the people into Hindu duplicity under " Hindutwa" ideology and country into a Hindu Rastra. Whereas the cabinet mission plan 1946 has only identified the three main communities in India i.e. General, Muslim and Sikh, hence we have accepted the secure credential identity of the country, so the original facts should not be distorted in the larger interest of the nation and peoples. The materialistic pursuits as compared to others should immediately be adopted in respect of socio-economic changes over the people and region which should be also consequence to tackle the ongoing mushrooming problem of the region. Here we are drawing some suggestion for socio-economic changes of the region and including the social life with liberty, equality and dignity within the purview of modern constitution. That the intention of the government is to support, help and promote the thought for all round development of people and region. The well proclaimed policy as envisage in the modern constitution and adopted for regional and modern identity of the people should be adopted immediately by the central government. So the prolonged neglected posses' proliferation process of internal cultural colonization, suffocating social, educational and cultural environmental pollution not only to these people but also country at large. The people can live only on peace, harmony and dignity in a democratic country if equality and justice are administered properly. The optimism is realized if and only if government is sincere and granting the due recognition of their social life. It gives identity not only to the large section dominated people but also the imbedded in tradition and believe are social, political, philosophical and spiritual solution to the crisis facing by the contemporary society and country at large.
                   Also it is expressing the outrage in the recent past behaviour of appointed Mishra commission who has given his report to the govt where the reservation been diverted  towards the religion  than central govt.has  bring the 109 constitutional amendment, 2009 may it be due to  otherwise thought  or keeping them in more edge, the article 334 has been amended and extended up to 2020, which  was extended up to 2010 under 79 amendment Act, 1999 by the then NDA government who has fulfilled the state(Jharkhand-Chhatisgarh) and language(Santali) issue as it was pending since 1935. The armed violence (by state or naxalite) never brings the changes in the society and can not be justified by any school of thought for the social life. It's the govt. failure to discharge their obligation under the modern constitution that has resulted to day in protest, dharna as well as violent agitation. In this sense, the naxalite or Maoist movement raise on the failure of government to carry out the mandate of the constitution.
           The constitutionally acknowledgement system of the country can not be accused what previously try to modify by some Vedic Philosophers and intellectuals with the vested interest as well as design these people as Banbasi or Girijan etc. It should be dealt with strong will power to restore fraternity among the different classes of the society residing over the region irrespective of caste, creed and religion. We should forget that  thought what we have displayed in 20th century it's seems  the modern man with all his vision of development became the worst enemy of indigenous people, more often than to guise the gens of aborigine socio, culture, and script were under object of research and propose to end towards the museum display. In the beginning era of 21st Century the liberty & equality status will not only give identity but also bring the dignity of literature & culture sovereignty both modern & ancient Bharat  The wise old man telling "Coming together is beginning, Walking together is progress and Working together is success".
Written By:       Thakur Lachchman Murmu &  Rapaj  Boma Kisku@Koenda


 The last five decade of Indians Independence the creation of Jharkhond State have been the year of hopes and aspiration for the “Jaher-Khond” people residing in the state of Bihar, West-Bengal, Odisha, Assam etc. In the eve of New Millennium creation of Jharkhand state lead to great expectation in term of raising the standard of living upgrading the quality of life and equality of social justice. The modern constitution fully reflects the social ambition and mandates quality of opportunity for every citizen irrespective of caste, creeds, social, cultural or religious diversities it has also very aptly reflected in the each and every report of state/central government. Now the destiny of India is being shapes in the class room, it is the culture, health and hygiene  education that’s determine the level of level of prosperity welfare and security of people and that too by our mother tongue( modern Indian languages ). It is the quality of students coming out from the state learning center who would determine the success or failure of national efforts for the construction and development of prosperous nation.
 In the beginning era of this 21st centaury the sound foundation stone, secularist ethos and healthy cultural orthodoxy beliefs of “Jaher-Khond” (Jharkhondi) are require the perfect educational system. Which should be initiated in their mind   and that should not be borrowed or a transplanted one. It is heartening to learn and realizing the criticality/malady of elementary education going to be implement or being proposed by the central government. I am a firm believer in free and compulsory education which was started by the legendary genius Pandit Raghunath Murmu (pioneer of distinct Santali script known as Ol-Chiki) since 1941 under the banner of an organization to erode the ignorance as well as cultural differences irrespective of caste, creed, and religion amongst the different linguistic. No doubt the Santali language, literature and culture come a long way and has flourished significantly by that organization despite all adversaries and lack of official patronage sensing different attitudes and lackadaisical approach of concerned state and central  government.
 Since the haltered began in the mind of others domicile inhabitants and the Jharkhand(Adibasi) people, that the defense of peace capable of making our life more comfortable and sustainable as well as curve out the poverty, illiteracy with the corrupt practices from the region and country as a whole. It can only be eradicated when the education for culture, health and hygiene should be taught from the primary labels.
 So according to my view the culture education alone can erode the ignorance for developed and educated modern Indians and domicile people. According to Late Sadhu Ramchand Murmu pioneer of ancient Jharkhondi (Kherwal) socio- culture in the beginning of 20th centaury that the people who have language, script and culture have the wisdom and prosperity when they will forget their language, script and culture lead to their disappearance. So there is neither say why nor seek any reply let us pledge to perform for the prosperous united cultural reunification of the country. In the contrary the different self style dumps executive of Santali organization fail to impetus the noble organizational thought of late Sadhu Ramchand & Pandit Raghunath Murmu in the mid of 20th century nor they able to reflect  in the state and central levels resulted the unawareness of  progressive  citizen of the country and others.
           Also I expressing the outrage in the recent past behaviors of some literature and culture organization for ignoring the thought and fruitlessly try to kept the healthy culture in the edge even after inclusion of Santali language in the VIII scheduled of the constitution. So I drawn the attention of central and state government to demonstrate their commitment resolves determination as well as capacity to combat and end the nefarious design of those force whose aims as to destroy the socio-culture cohesion of the Kherwal’s (Jharkhandi) and country.
 Last but not the least in the 20th century we have witnessed politics without principles, pleasure without consciences, and knowledge without character, wealth without works and worship without sacrifice. According to “Santan” tradition right to happiness of every human being adopted in Indian culture really borrowed from the Santal or Hor or Adibasi residing largely in the state of Jharkhand, Odisha, West-Bengal etc now defined under “Backwards Class”. The idea of true secularism is yet to transplanted in the mind of others, the ideal human being was one who was concerned about others prosperity and integrity. So there is indeed a national and global need to project the thoughts for culture, health and hygiene education to strive together for socio-culture cohesion and acquire the prime skill learned to live together. Hence without further delay the Santali linguistic people should given the opportunity in the begging era of new century to bring the prosperity of state and country as well as literature and culture sovereignty of “Ancient & Modern Bharat.
                                                                     Written By:
                                                Thakur Lachhaman Murmu & 
                                                Rapaj Boma Kisku @ Koenda